Breath is Life


How well do you breathe? Given that breath really is life, I’m often surprised by the number of people who do not understand or even appreciate the value of a good deep breath.  Unfortunately, this also applies to asthma sufferers, who may also find it hard to breathe.

Smokers can be seen taking a big deep drag on a cigarette, as though it is their last gasp!  If only they would take that big deep breath without that cigarette, they would be much better off.  Taking slow deep breaths is also useful as a delaying tactic, instead of smoking that cigarette.

Because so few people understand the mechanics of breathing, I created this video so that you can watch it and learn how to breathe deeply and effectively.

10 benefits of breathing deeply

  1. Oxygenation of the blood improves with breathing, and to oxygenate the blood gives it life. Even the ancient philosophers refer to breath as “chi” or energy for life.
  2. Enhanced immune system: Only last week while doing a Body Balance class, the instructor said that 3 very deep breaths will ‘liven up the dead spaces in the lungs and this will help to prevent chest infections’.  So, it’s got to be good to assist asthma sufferers as well, hasn’t it?
  3. “During stress and anger, people tend to inhale and hold breath” – Wiki reference; When slow deep breaths are taken, there is often an accompanying feeling as though you are winding down.  For myself, I feel like everything in side of me is now letting go.  Letting go of stress, tension, discomfort and I have a feeling of being more relaxed and more peaceful, more calm inside.
  4. Relaxation effect: slow deep breathing does help your body to relax, and this may reduce stress, tension, anxiety and panic.
  5. It might also improve your digestion, because when you are relaxed, your body is able to digest and process stomach contents more easily.
  6. Improved oxygenation of the bloodstream improves circulation, so that improves your immune system responses to enhance health and well-being.
  7. Improved mental health also occurs because deep breathing facilitates the release of neuro-chemicals such as endorphins, which help you to feel good.
  8. Deep breathing allows the exhalation of carbon dioxide, necessary for the health of the body and to prevent build-up of lactic acid.
  9. Deep breathing may lower blood pressure, as those with high blood pressure often breathe more shallowly.
  10. Pain may be managed more effectively, through practising deep breathing regularly.
  11. How about a flat tummy through the muscular action of pulling your tummy in and out? Check out this blog by Joan Small on a super Tummy Tuck!

How to deep-breathe effectively?

Get comfortable, and soften your jaw, shoulders and arms and hands. Sit up straight, or lie down if it is okay to go to sleep. Look up towards the centre of your forehead.

While you slowly breathe in calm feelings through your nose, gently push your tummy down and forward or out (like inflating a balloon) and slowly breathe in to fill the bottom of the lungs, then the middle, then the top of your lungs. You could imagine a wave washing over your feet bringing a feeling of calm inside you. As you slowly breathe out, gently pull your tummy in, and release the air from the top of your lungs, then the middle and then the bottom of your lungs, like deflating a balloon. You might imagine the wave pulling all the tension out of you.

Breathe in peace as you breathe slowly in through your nose, gently push your tummy out and slowly breathe in to fill the bottom of the lungs, then the middle, then the top of your lungs. When you breathe out through your nose pull your tummy in, and imagine stress being carried out as the wave goes out.

Breathe deeply and breathe in love, as you slowly breathe in through your nose, gently push your tummy out and slowly breathe in to fill the bottom of the lungs, then the middle, then the top of your lungs. As you breathe gently out, pulling your tummy in, imagine all other thoughts and everything else being washed away in the light of love. I teach my clients how to do this in their sessions with me, and encourage them to practise 3 slow deep breaths every hour, to encourage an automatic feeling of being relaxed and calm.

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