Fear of the number 13

If you have this fear, you probably didn’t like seeing the number.

This morning I was on Radio 4BC for a few minutes, thanks 4BC, speaking about the fear of this number. Today being Friday the 13th, there is another related phobia: Paraskevidekatriaphobia which is fear of Friday the 13th.

Do you or someone you know have either of these irrational fears? If you do, I’d love to hear about it as I’ve never actually worked with someone on this phobia.

It’s said that superstition may have played a large part in developing this fear, from early Christian times where Jesus had his his last supper with his 12 disciples and Judas was said to be the last to arrive, to the Vikings where Loki the 13th God intruded on a Banquet of Vallahra and provided/gave/was robbed, engineered the murder of – who knows but it’s said it was his spear given to another of the Gods, that killed a God there! Phew that was complicated. Do a Google search and read up on it.

Superstitions and phobias may be emphasised and perpetuated through families telling their stories, through airlines that skip Row 13 and hotels and apartment blocks that skip Level 13.

Phobias are treatable with CBT, timeline therapy, and many other anxiety reducing techniques.

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