Fear of Flying – Aerophobia

Wow, this segment on 4BC Radio 1116 went off like a rocket with loads of callers. If you were one who missed out on speaking to me, listen in this week around 12:45pm Brisbane time, every Wednesday.

What is it about flying that causes such fear in the heart of those who fly? And as I have also worked with airline stewards or stewardesses with this fear, it can strike those who love flying.

Firstly, is it the fear of the flight itself? Is it the fear of the time it may take for a plane to crash, knowing that impending death is looming? Or is it the fear of the crash?

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Whatever it is, fear of flying can be helped, so here are some ideas:

  1. Practise deep breathing and positive thinking.  Focus on a positive outcome of flying happily, landing safely and see yourself relaxed and happy on board. The more you focus on the positives, the more you are likely to respond with emotional positives. Your mind imagines whatever you are thinking so make your pictures bright, happy, and filled with joy.
  2. To equalise ear pressure and I don’t know if this works or how scientific it is, a colleague mentioned this one, wear ear plugs. It may also cut out the noise of the engines and other noises that some people find disturbing.
  3. Listen to relaxing music, to trigger alpha brain wave patterns, or watch a comedy and laugh to release endorphins which are the pleasure hormones.
  4. Get involved in a conversaation with your neighbour, and ask lots of questions to take the attention off yourself.
  5. Remember to breathe again!
  6. Normalise all sounds, all movements as being natural and normal so that calm prevails.

I know of a Melbourne psychologist who specialises in this field and he has old Ansett chairs, and speakers hooked to the chairs so that the experience is similar to that of flying.

One caller who phooned in mentioned ACT which is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and described how he went to an airfield and took a couple of light plane flights and mentioned to conquer most of his fears.

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