Pondering Imponderables – April eNewsletter

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April 2012                                                   Happy Easter

  1. Pondering Imponderables
  2. Master’s Wisdom
  3. Interesting News Bites
    1. How much does obesity cost in health costs? The figures may astound you, like they did me
    2. Yoga, from the animals first. This will delight you and maybe make you laugh
    3. Acceptance (Clicking this link will take you off site, and any purchases made will result in a commission paid to Narelle Stratford. As with any purchase, do your due diligence first.)
Click on Leave a Comment above, or fill in Speak Your Mind at the end of the post. I’d love to hear from you.

Dear Reader

This morning I was looking out at a glorious setting: blue skies with a few white fluffy clouds, sparkling blue water, seagulls, birds calling from the tree about 15 metres from my balcony and had a thought: how long can one sit and admire the view, and think “this is pretty” without doing anything?

As humans we are so used to doing, or, so used to not doing… some spend their time avoiding life in the not doing, and some spend their time avoiding by over-doing…

Need help to act on your ideas? (Clicking this link will take you off site, and any purchases made will result in a commission paid to Narelle Stratford. As with any purchase, do your due diligence first.)

May you have a refreshing balanced break if you are taking time off this Easter, and for those who believe, Happy Easter to you and yours.

Drive safely and consciously, with gratitude for your safe hands, alert mind, and vigilant eyes and ears.

Happy Easter
Warm regards


Pondering Imponderables

Thinking about thoughts and feelings…

I am very fond of saying to people, “We are born with nothing.  We come into the world with nothing and have nothing except our own self, a unique human being. We end our life with nothing.  Who we are is not defined by what we have gained, be it pieces of paper such as cash, title deeds or businesses, or lost, such as home or property or money or relationships or jobs.  It is defined by how we think, feel, respond and behave between the beginning and the end points.”  And I am wondering if that could be the definition of integrity?

Negatives and Positives

Every choice I make has an impact, and just like the story of a butterfly’s wings causing a hurricane in some other part of the world, so my choices impact on my world too.  While walking this week, almost every day I have picked up rubbish: plastic bags, bottle tops, plastic cups, bottles, food wrappers, serviettes, a plastic spoon, a whole litany of rubbish that spoils my view, and I wondered if it spoiled my walk too? I made the realisation though that I could also enjoy the walk, while enjoying the fact that I was helping to improve someone else’s view…

My motivation to pick up the rubbish was not so that I avoided my walk being spoiled. My intention was to help the environment because plastic is such dreadful stuff when it is eaten up by natural creatures such as fish, crabs, turtles and so on.

I don’t understand the lazy mindset of not collecting your rubbish.  I just don’t get it.  How do people come to an area that is beautiful and leave it soiled and dirty? Or broken and bent out of shape? I wondered what would happen to all the native eucalypts if every one of us took a small switch of leaves to chase the flies away, and yes I was guilty of that one too. I was brought up to leave an area better than I found it, so that helps.

Judgemental Attitude

Am I being judgemental about laziness? Not sure, hmm, in all honesty, I think so. I just know that I got irritated each time I went for a walk and there was rubbish along the way, so I started picking up bits and pieces and hoped others might see me and follow suit.  Maybe someone else will do it too and soon we are sending a message that our environment is beautiful.  

I know it makes me focus on the negative behaviours when I see this rubbish, instead of the positives. When your head is down and you are picking up rubbish, you are not seeing the glorious vista of nature spread out in front of you.


When your head is down and eyes are downcast, that’s when you are listening to your emotions and feelings and we may forget that we are resilient, strong, and resourceful and can make a positive choice.  By following positive choices, I may begin to tap into those positive feelings inside, instead.

Do you want to be more productive?
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and any purchases made will result in a commission paid to Narelle Stratford.
As with any purchase, do your due diligence first.)


So, the next time you are irritated by something, see what you can do about it. After all, a beautiful pearl is the result of sand irritating the inside of that oyster shell. The more you focus on how your irritants in your life can cause you to be stronger or more focussed and determined, the more you will be able to find some way to like yourself for that, and maybe one day, love yourself too.

And that may bring you to the realisation that all there is, is you. 

Master’s Wisdom



“I’m watching you.

I’m watching everything you do and everything you don’t do…

I’m not judging you, you are judging yourself”




Interesting News Bites

1. $153 billion dollar cost to business ANNUALLY due to overweight and obese workers 

Click Here for Narelle’s Stay Slim Now Audio Download

(Click the link above)  Facts:

  1. 21% of health care costs are attributed to obesity
  2. $153 Billion annual costs to business for productivity lost by
    overweight and obese workers.
  3. Weight loss motivation (Clicking this link will take you off site, and any purchases made will result in a commission paid to Narelle Stratford. As with any purchase, do your due diligence first.)

2. Yoga poses really do come from animals 

(Click the link above)  Check out this lovely slideshow and be inspired to practise yoga every day.
If nothing else, when you watch it you will laugh and that increases endorphins, the happy hormones. If you have a really good belly laugh maybe you will also burn some calories.

Yoga Nidra anyone? (Clicking this link will take you off site, and any purchases made will result in a commission paid to Narelle Stratford. As with any purchase, do your due diligence first.)

And that’s it for this month! Remember to click on Leave a Comment above, or fill in Speak Your Mind at the end of the post, down below. Love to hear from you and Live Life 2 The Max!

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