What’s Your Expiry Date?

Thanks to new research there is a simple test you can do that will show whether or not you are likely to outlive everyone else.

I have long been known to instruct, advise, demand and insist that clients drink a lot of water. Many people have not learnt how to drink sufficient water, and it is essential for so many functions from our brain to our emotions and mood, to our body. For example, dehydration can cause irritability, agitation and an inability to think, recall and remember, while energy levels drop considerably.

If anyone saw the My Kitchen Rules episode on location in Broome, when Kerry collapsed in the heat, you would have noticed that tempers seemed to flare up much more than usual because of the heat and dehydration. The contestants seemed to become more disorganised in their thinking, and all of them said they were feeling the heat.

It’s important to drink water but what to do if it’s not a habit…

Firstly, let me reinforce that I am not a doctor and the following does not constitute medical advice. Please see your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your urine, bladder or kidney function.  The following information was gleaned from a doctor who writes for The Huffington Post, and the link is below.

If urine is a pale straw colour, this is said to be a sign of good kidney function. If urine is dark yellow or even bark coloured, it may be a sign of insufficient fluid intake and the kidneys are working hard to remove the toxins from the body. (NB: multi-vitamins often turn urine a bright yellow.) It may be a sign of something else and not just dehydration, so a doctor’s visit would not go astray.

One of those toxins that are excreted, is protein and if there is protein leaking into the urine then the kidneys are definitely struggling to do their job according to the research. A person with mild amounts of protein (it’s called proteinuria) present in the urine may die 8 years earlier than someone who does not. Someone without those proteins could have 15 years more fun on the planet compared to someone with a heavy presence of protein.

So how to tell?  It’s a simple stick test after giving a urine sample at the doctors.

The doctor may have suggestions on lifestyle changes, and may follow up with other tests as well.

Read more here

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