Love Myself Well

Alt text for the image of girlsI bet you have a busy life, what with working in your home, working at work, going to college or uni, doing the shopping and running around, taking care of your children or parents or brothers or sisters or husbands or wives, or partners, right?

And for most people, that busy life means that there isn’t much gas left in your own energy tank to take care of yourself at the end of the day.

This helping others behaviour is admirable, and there are selfish blighters out there who could learn a lot from you. On the other hand, do you ever wonder when it is going to be “my turn”? When my day or hour will come and I get to take care of me, so that I can fully recharge the batteries?

Here’s a curious thought: most people take better care of their pets, their family and everything else, than they do themself. The boss wants you to work late, so you skip dinner or eat at a ridiculous hour. You sleep in the next day so that you make up for the late night and then there’s no time for breakfast.

The one who suffers in all of this is you, and your inner child also known as your subconscious. Your subconscious takes care of your body, so that affects your health, your desires triggered by the senses, your emotions, both positive and negative in their impact, your habits and patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviours, your long-term memory and your lower psychic intuition.

Your inner child also has its own level of emotional reasoning of that of about a 3 or 3.5 year old. So your whole subconscous being is run by a little boy or girl inside who rarely gets thanked, praised or congratulated, and often gets ignored, neglected and beaten up! And we wonder why we get stressed or down and blue?

“Who’s got time to praise themself?” I hear you ask, and that’s a good question and the answer is, “you do”! Because the most important person in your life is you and you need to hear it from you. The more you talk to yourself in passing, the more appreciation you give yourself, the more that you love yourself, the healthier and more energetic you are likely to be in return.

By raising your energy with love and praise, you will gradually move away from being dragged down by negatives.

This little child inside of you deserves attention, affection, guidance and love, and needs basic care of regular healthy food, as an adult – 2 to 3 litres of water a day, restful sleep, fun, laughter and meditation.

Put these common sense Daily Delights into practise and notice how you feel. I make no guarantees other than to say that the proof is in the pudding. You have to do it to find out!

Take care of you and love yourself well, because you are worth it.

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