Free Self-Esteem Video

I’ve just heard about a new set of videos on self esteem that a colleague of mine has created.

This guy is hugely experienced in helping people with low self-esteem, so if you could do with some help in that area, I strongly recommend signing up:

Self-esteem Videos to watch now

In it, he talks about some of the ideas he developed while training over 10,000 health professionals on how to lift self-esteem. Like:

  • Why, weirdly, low self-esteem makes you too sure of yourself, and how that hurts you.
  • Why you make yourself feel bad by taking more than your share of the blame pie.
  • How to stop one bad thing spreading out to taint your whole life (and how this can also protect you against depression).

I hope you find this video useful – please leave a comment and let us know what you think!

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