Bangkok for Foodies

I am now back in Australia, well, Christmas Island actually after having 3 weeks in Bangkok for dental work and holidays.

For those interested in dental work, I saved myself an enormous amount of money by having root canal and crowns and fillings done at the Bangkok International Dental Centre. Think $300 a crown instead of $1500 to $2500 per crown! That all went very well and I can now smile and chew again.

Bangkok is hot, steamy, muggy, rainy sometimes, and smelly. The drains emit the sewer smells so you need to be aware that you will smell it nearly everywhere you go, except inside the upper class department stores. Did I mention it was hot?

Prices are cheap! Super cheap! A meal is about 40 baht or $1.20; a can of beer is about 38 baht; lots and lots of food vendors on the streets. I tended to eat from them when the food had just been cooked, as it has usually been taken out of an esky first, rather than eating food that has been sitting for a while.

I stayed in hostels. One, they are very inexpensive and 2. you meet loads of people from all over the place so it makes the trip much more interesting. People who stay in hostels get to know each other, compared to staying in a resort or far more expensive hotel. You develop friends you will have for life and I found the experience very very rewarding!

Highlights were Thai people who are delightful, helpful and have a great sense of humour, Temples, Buddhas, Food, Elephants, and giggle-provoking English translations that just didn’t work.

What to pack? I had a small backpack and a small shopping bag for 3 weeks and managed really well. Remember to take your sense of humour, patience, and your camera. And your travel adaptor for any electrical plugs.

I thought I would provide a few pics here, so that you can see the Foodie highlights. Just mouse over the photos for descriptions.

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